Strippers in the Attic
Strippers in the Attic
Strippers, drugs & rock n' roll
Yeah, this one comes with a trigger warning. Three trigger warnings, to be precise. But, if you’ve listened to any previous episodes you know the kind of thrills our duo trigger. Let’s just point out that ‘dry humping my ankle’, ‘hairy asshole’, ‘he struggles with his desire to bang me with his friend and love Jesus at the same time’ and a dancing clitoris are not included in the trigger warning. So, you know you have to listen… Oh yes, and Heaven explains how WD40 was her entry drug. Seriously.
This episode is bought to you by SITA Podcasting Ltd, Hosted by Buffy and Heaven, produced by Stephen Armstrong and Sophie Cohen, edited by Adam Grigg, original soundtrack by Myron Cohen and Hart McNee.
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