Strippers in the Attic
Strippers in the Attic
Stripper 103 - Body Confidence
Low confidence day? Woken up with all the bad feels? Not loving your hair, your skin, your body? No disrespect, but Buffy and Heaven, after years in the product testing department of The Factory of Love, are here to tell you – you’re wrong. Learn why the biggest earning strippers are the oldest in the club. Understand how attitude and wordplay are often the only things you need. Realise that the opposite sex isn’t looking for perfection – they’re looking for intimacy. It being our duo, we get sidetracked into arsehole hair, but what are you going to do? It’s SITA not Sesame Street. Either way, we love a big bird.
Follow us! Instagram & Twitter
Press Enquiries- Madelaine@gingerbreadagency.com
This episode is bought to you by SITA Podcasting Ltd, Hosted by Buffy and Heaven, produced by Stephen Armstrong and Sophie Cohen, edited by Adam Grigg, original soundtrack by Myron Cohen and Hart McNee.
Follow us! Instagram & Twitter
Press Enquiries- Madelaine@gingerbreadagency.com
Email us your questions & confessions! strippersintheattic@gmail.com
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